Business Consulting-Acender Consultores

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Ricardo Corral Sepúlveda


Phone N°+(56-2) 2594 0404

Business Services

Acender professionals are trained to deliver the best solutions for business operations, strengthening the creation of value in the organization, providing an adequate risk management in appropriate long-term decisions.

Acender Consultants External Audit Services are based on the implementation of the most modern methodologies, mainly aimed at focusing efforts on those areas where needs and risks are important. This complies with applications and objectives, conducting procedures with due professional care, obtaining sufficient assistance to conclude with a reasonable and comprehensive basis, giving an expert opinion on the financial statements and discussing opportunities and weaknesses that may be diminishing the productivity and profit shown in the financial information.

The existing services are:

Audit to Financial Statements
Expertise on Acquisitions
Conversion of financial statements

For entrepreneurs is vital to minimize costs by improving productivity. Acender BPO is not a cost increase but an important return, represented by improvements in administrative, technological, and business management, among other. therefore, adding operations productivity and releasing resources for the organization.

Development of clients projects, where:

Business are modeled and optimized
TIC solutions (technology, information and Communication) are developed and implemented
Business processes (ACENDER BPO) are operated.

We provide ongoing consulting to clients, thereby:

An improved performance proces.
Flexibility to changes in the industry

Acender offers its clients a professional team and working methods oriented to empower and strengthen SMEs first steps.

Among the services provided to innovators, entrepreneurs and SMEs are:

Verification and initial validation of projects.
Consulting, preparation and certification of economic,commercial,financial, accounting and operational information.
Systematic support in the analysis, feasibility and practicability.
Assessment and analysis of IFRS application for SMEs.
Consulting in preparing Business Plan and monitoring its implementation.
Verification and mapping of operational processes and production.
Tax consulting, legal and labor.
Preparation and monitoring projects for government agencies and financial institutions.